This is our Muay Thai in-house point sparring tournament, hosted at the Warrior Martial Arts Academy located in Central Frisco! Our upcoming event promises a thrilling showcase of skill and sportsmanship, where competitors engage in controlled combat with limited head contact, emphasizing precise strikes to the body and legs.
Calling all Warrior students from around the Dallas area, come compete with against students from a fellow gym this April 27th!
Elevate your martial arts experience by participating in this exciting event, where you'll have the chance to showcase your technique, strategy, and determination. Engage in friendly competition with fellow students from our academy and other esteemed gyms in the area, as you strive to demonstrate your mastery of Muay Thai and forge lasting connections within the martial arts community.
Contact our team today to sign up.
April 27th at 10:00am CST
Warrior Martial Arts Academy - Central Frisco
6803 Preston RoadFrisco, TX, 75034